Magali Couffon de Trevos
Magali Couffon de Trevros is a Photoartist, who made India her home for 26 years. When Covid-19 hit, she decided it was time to migrate back to France, where she has now settled. Using her Indian images as a base, she is currently assembling large canvasses using paint, collage and more. She also works as a freelance photographer when interesting projects come her way. Her passion for people and sharing orient her choices and she is now drawn towards purposeful causes. Giving a voice to people who do not have that option or creating awareness on various causes have become crucial to her. Magali wants to stay as free as possible in her ever evolving creative process yet generate emotions and experiences for her viewers. Convinced that all art forms have a mission in today's world, meaningful art is the direction she has chosen to continue growing and learning. To learn more: